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KONDENZ 2013, Festival savremenog plesa i savremenih izvodjačkih umetnosti, šesti po redu, predstavlja izbor performansa autora iz Srbije i nekoliko drugih sredina, suočavajući se sa brojnim izazovima koji su postali i konstitutivni deo samog festivala. Od svog početka 2008. godine, KONDENZ je u svakom izdanju apsorbovao (ne)uslove produkcije svog, ka eksperimentu i kritici usmerenog programskog i produkcijskog opredeljenja, nudeći publici, a često u saradnji sa publikom, nove formate festivalske produkcije, umetničkog izražavanja i neposrednog delovanja u polju kulture i društva.

Ovoga puta, KONDENZ propituje princip prebrojavanja: koliko nas je ostalo, koliko nas je otišlo, koliko nas je zainteresovano za propitivanje, koliko je dinara potrebno….

Zahvaljujći kulturnoj politici mnogih zemalja koje žele da podrže i promovišu svoje umetnike i njihov rad, KONDENZ je uspeo da uvrsti u program nekoliko performansa koji se bave i nama dobro pozatim pitanjima i problemima društvenog ustrojstva, komunikacije unutar njega, te konsekventnim uslovima umetničke i kulturne produkcije. Sa druge strane, entuzijazam organizatora – saradnika Stanice Servisa za savremeni ples i domaćih umetnika i njihovo opredeljenje da očuvaju prostore za kritičko delovanje unutar izvodjačkih umetnosti, omogućili su prikazivanje dva rada iz Staničine produkcije.

Zatvaranje festivala biće posvećeno prebrojavanju publike, zainteresovanih gledalaca-učesnika i mapiranju KONDENZA i Magacina u Kraljevića Marka kao (i)relevantnih mesta na beogradskoj kulturnoj sceni.

Više informacija o autorima i radovima može se naći na http://kondenz2013.blogspot.se

Za ulaz na sve performanse potražite andjeoski KONDENZ katalog koji sadrži i ulaznice za sve predstave.

Cena ulaznica: 200 dinara


KONDENZ 2013, Festival of contemporary dance and contemporary performing arts presents a variety of performances by authors coming from Serbia and several other environments, facing numerous challenges which have become a constitutive part of the festival itself. Since its beginning in 2008, KONDENZ in each edition absorbed production (non)conditions of its critical and experiment-oriented programme and production format, offering to the audience, often by including the audience, new forms of festival production, art expression and direct acting in the field of culture and society.

This time, KONDENZ requestions principle of counting: how many of us have stayed, how may of us have gone, how many of us are interested in requestioning, how many dinars are needed…

Thanks to the cultural policy of many countries and organisations who are interested to support and promote their artists and their work, KONDENZ succeeded in bringing several performances which treat the issues and problems of social constitution, communication within it, as well as consequential conditions of art and culture production, well known in this environment. On the other side, enthusiasm of the organisers– collaborators of Station Service for contemporary dance and local artists and their commitment to preserve spaces for critical action in the field of contemporary performing arts, made possible presentation of two Station’s productions.

Closure of the Festival will be devoted to counting of the audience, interested public-participants and to mapping of KONDENZ and Magacin in Kraljevica Marka, our venue, as (ir)relevant places on the Belgrade cultural scene.
More information about authors and performances you can find on http://kondenz2013.blogspot.se

To enter to all performances please look for the angelic KONDENZ catalogue which contains tickets for the performances.

Tickets price is 200,00 dinars.


Kondenz 2013

Festival savremenih izvođačkih umetnosti / Festival of contemporary performing arts
16 – 30. oktobar 2013, Beograd


20:00, BITEF Teatar / BITEF Theatre

Jeste li videli Zombija? / Have you seen the Zombie?

Autor / Author: Dragana Bulut, Srbija / Serbia
Umetnički saradnici / Artistic collaboration: Ljiljana Tasić, Ana Monteiro
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Ana Vujanović
Produkcija / Production: Stanica Servis za savremeni ples Belgrade, Nomad Dance Academy and Jardin d’Europe
Podrška / Support: BITEF Teatar, Beograd
Trajanje / Duration: 60min.


20:00, BITEF Teatar / BITEF Theatre

Halfbreadtechnique (post-kapitalizam za početnike) / Halfbreadtechnique (postcapitalism for beginners)

Autor / Author: Martin Šik, Švajcarska / Switzerland
Trajanje/ Duration: 40min.


11:00, Kulturni centar Magacin / Cultural Centre Magacin

Spektakularni gledalac, radionica / Spectacular spectator, a workshop

Radionicu vodi / Workshop is led by: Martin Šik, Švajcarska / Switzerland

  1. oktobar

20:00, Dom omladine Beograda / Cultural center DOB

Dodatak histerije, ubrzanja… / A Pound of Hysteria, Acceleration…

Autori / Authors: BadCo, Hrvatska / Croatia
Koreografija i izvođenje / Choreography and performance: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer / Darija Dozdor, Nikolina Pristaš i Zrinka Uzbinec
Koncept i dramaturgija / Concept and dramaturgy: Tomislav Medak
Oblikovanje dramskog materijala / Recasting of dramatic material: Goran Sergej Pristaš
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Ivana Ivković
Produkcija / Production: Lovro Rumiha
Softver za algoritamsku video montažu ALVES / Software for algorithmic video editing ALVES: Daniel Turing
Kostimografija / Costume design: Silvio Vujičić
Dizajn svetla / Light design: Alan Vukelić
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Jasmin Dasović
Scenografija / Set design: Miljenko Sekulić Sarma
Rekvizita / Props: Ana Ogrizović
Muzika / Music: Alban Berg, “Wozzeck”
Prevod / Translation: Tomislav Medak
Fotografije / Photography: Dinko Rupčić
Grafički dizajn / Graphic design: Dejan Dragosavac Ruta
Trajanje / Duration: 60 min.

  1. oktobar

20:00, BITEF Teatar / BITEF Theatre

Au Contraire

Izvode / Performing: Manon Andersen, Foofwa d’Imobilité, Yann Aubert, Nathalie Ponlot Švajcarska / Switzerland
Tekst, koreografija i mizanscen / Text, choreography and mise en ciné(ma)tique: Foofwa d’Imobilité, Antoine Lengo
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Antoine Lengo
Dizajn svetla i scenografija / Lighting and set design: Jonathan O’Hear
Kostimografija / Costumes: Coco Charnel
Muzika / Musical mediation: Charlemagne Palestine, Israël Quellet
Produkcija / Production: Cie Neopost Foofwa
Koprodukcija / Coproductions: Grü/Théâtre du Grutli, SACD/Festival d’Avignon
Fotografije / Photo by: Gregory Batardon
Trajanje / Duration: 55 min.

  1. oktobar

20:00, Kulturni centar Magacin u Kraljevića Marka / Cultural Centre Magacin

Regarding Yesterday

Koncept & izvođenje / Concept & performance: Adva Zakai, Izrael / Israel
U saradnji sa / Collaboration with: Shila Anaraki
Dizajn svetla / Light design: Christoph Ragg
Produkcija / Production: Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats (BE)
Koprodukcija / Co-producion: Beursschouwburg (BE), kc nOna (BE), Vooruit (BE)
Uz podršku / Supported by: the Flemish Community
Posebna zahvalnost / Special thanks to: Repetition Island, Mardi, Elinoar Zakai, Frederique de Montblanc, Miriam Hempel, Abäke, Effi & Amir, Ismail Al-Bahar, Benjamin Kahn, Thomas Myrmel, Tammuz Binshtock, Lara Barsacq, Einat Tuchman, Michael Schmidt i svima koji će se pridružiti tokom različitih faza u procesu / and to all those who will join during the different parts of the process.
Trajanje / Duration.: 50 min.


20:00, Skupština grada Beograda / Ceremonial Hall of the City of Belgrade

Ministry of Movement

Autori / Authors: Amanda Piña and Daniel Zimmermann, Austrija / Austria
Performers: Amanda Piña, Daniel Zimmermann and Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Trajanje / Duration: 30min.

  1. oktobar

20:00, Kulturni centar Magacin u Kraljevića Marka / Cultural Centre Magacin

Između hira i straha: kratak kurs pisanja i izvođenja tržišno prihvatljivih kritičko angažovanih projekata i protesta / Between caprice and fear

Short course of writing and performing market-oriented, critical and engaged projects and protests

Autor / Author: Dušan Murić, Srbija / Serbia
Trajanje / Duration: 60min.